Saturday, August 16, 2008

hi guys tis is Vineet Vijayaraghavan

hi guys its me vineet and from today on is the big day for the initiation of my blog. For almost a decade now I have been a movie geek trying to see,analyse and percieve them as a pieve of art,commerce hell even some movies wich are gud alibis to chew popcorn....But seriously speaking being from india my access to english films was always less and there was a time when the only recognisable face i knew from Hollywood was arnold[may his soul rest in peace in the gubernatorial mansion in california] But as time went by i caught on with english cinema and to the extent that i have seen tons of movies now [beginning frm the silent era,thru the golden age,method era and the modern era] It has opened a new horizon of though a bent of artistic creativity tat i never thought existed. FROM TODAY HEREON I WILL UTILIZE THIS BLOG FOR GIVING THE WORLD A SNEAK PEAK OF WHAT I THINK MOVIES ARE AND HOW I FEEL ABOUT THEM. Apart from that the SPECIAL ATTRACTION OF THIS SITE IS THE GOLDEN GLOBES.[Yes guys somehow i believe that golden globes are underrated wich i will describe in detail later and the oscars are very overrated and i will soon describe my disgust for them with appropriate reasons]
We will be a following things going on as per regular schedule
my favourite yesteryears star of the week retrospective,discussion and career analysis
movies i watched last week and movies i plan to watch for the weekend
my favourite actors of the present day modern era with complete analysis of career,future course of action and debate
awards yes guys ofcourse nothing is full without the awards but most people discuss the oscars this site is specially a never before seen GOLDEN GLOBES TORCHBEARER SO MY PREDICTION FOR THE GLOBES[yes its official i hate the oscars]
AND GUYS u can relax coz monday to wednesday will be hibernation time so tat u dont need to come everyday on the net[i know i save u your surfing charge i am generous] jokes apart it wud be sufficient to keep a balance and wud be great to get the people around giving opinions for sometime and me listening to them so GUYS HERE U GO.